1st meetingThe meeting started at 7.30 am sharp, with our UL, Wen Qian calling ranks. The Ranger committee for year 08 then introduced themselves briefly.
The chairlady and vice chairlady were chosen, being Evon Tan and Shi Han respectively. On the other hand, Zhing Ming and Myra were chosen as chairlady and vice chairlady for the Rangers farewell, which will be held in the later part of the year.
The members were divided into
Bahagians as usual, with 6 patrols this year. The members were given some time to get to know each other by asking them to think up patrol names and playing the traditional "
Bomb bomb bomb" game by patrols as ice breaking ceremony.
Dismissal was at 9.30am, after singing Guiding Friendship and Taps as usual.
The committee stayed back to assist the Guides' committee in handling their first meeting.
* * *
Nearly all the Organising Committee members for our campfire 07 made it to Little Cottage 2 near our school for lunch. =] Needless to say, we enjoyed ourselves! Pictures will be up soon.
Next meeting : 23rd February - Supporting Items Competition